Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Leo Really Falled Into Frightened...

thx ya..
dont need to sorry..
a lover always need to do a job, that is just hope u happy always. right?

Recently, we seem like getting better condition,
but I will still do these things I can do for you,
just want you to know,
how much important you are in my heart,
How much space you stand in my heart,

Leo horoscope person never afraid on anythings, but love could caused.
Leo stil very do mind his partner alot...even though his partner are not.


the only matter i really very frightened...
Its able to affect me nightmare even unable to asleep for few weeks easily,
that is get Hurt...

Im really very afraid to it, cause its happened frequently...
do you care me even a little bit?
do you care my soul my feeling even a little bit?
will you stil do it even you know it could hurt me?
do you know even after you did it then trying to hide it behind me, day after day accumulate, It could stil affect our relation?
Its might killing me ..

Just a simply word and the only matter i wish to see it through you,
whether its hard to do? or dont have this word in your dictionary...
you did everythings, just except you never did this to me...why...
I dont want to live with the word "lie" along with us,
I dont want you to continue controlled by "lie" and let it surrounded by,
Here I am to safe you, on my way to safe you from evil,

I dont know why, I stil believe in you, I never ever give up...
even im lonely in that far and long road all the way....
an endless road..dont know when i will arrive to the end of the lonely road..
people say "love will find a way", is it true?
I dont know why.....

I cant stop you do things that through your mind,
Im not a perfect person, But I continue learning...
how about you?

Im sorry If i hurt you, Im not good in speaking.
That I want you to know,
I found a reason for me to change who I used to be,
A reason to start over new, and the reason is you.
how about you? uhmm..doesnt matter even though i knew the answer..

For the rest of my life you dont have to think twice,
I will love you still.
I waited so long to say this to you,
If you're asking do I love you this much,
Yes, I Do.

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